I’ve been working on a small piece for some time. My work table goes through various changes daily as I try different threads and such but still usually manages to remain like this!
I started this piece by painting random marks on a piece of fabric. It was a free workshop aimed at a final roll simply of marks. As always I ended going a completely different direction. Because I had discovered a lovely wee bird in the painting I decided to capitalize on the cheeky wee creature. But she has challenged me in lots of ways. I could see her plainly but was not sure if others would if she was not emphasized in some way. How to do that, became a series of trial and error maneuvers. I tried highlighting her with other strips of yellow, but I felt it wasn’t quite enough so because I was also experimenting with trying out embroidery stitches I have not used for a while I decided to use a herringbone over the strips of fabric. Then I laced some blue metallic thread through that just to see…. I have this other gorgeous ribbon like thread that I thought would make a good branch framework. I like it but she is waiting to tell me if she is finished. My work table is a little tidier but mostly the bits are waiting too. But here she is in close up.