I always have trouble naming my work. For some reason I feel like titles are often a bit precious, and yet when artists simply number their paintings I feel a little cheated. It seems to be a balance between wanting a hint about intention and a subtle nod to symbolism. I don’t want to clobber the viewer with my opinions, for I want there to be a dialogue between the viewer and the work where the viewer can supply her own connections. And yet telling you I have finished my tree… leaves something to be desired. So I’ve been reflecting .
When I started making my tree, I was using a photo as inspiration and I loved how the old splintered trunk was swirled around and resembled a woman’s body,enclosing dark and light and a few hints of green.but it was upright…not a nursery log. I called it grandmother cedar for a while but that seemed a mouthful and a bit heavy handed. I considered using the indigenous word for cedar, but that would be appropriating and might get some viewers to look it up but be ignored by others who didn’t want to take the time. And in that case why name it! All the time I’m thinking about this my poet brain is working away under the verbal noise. I think I’ve finally come up with a name I can say regularly instead of my tree… She will be called ‘heartwood’ and you can fill in the blanks however you wish.