I was going to show my photo manipulations in sequence to show some sort of progression. (as if that happens... grin) but upon seeing Kat Sloma's circle of trees today in one her abstract photo messages I was struck once again by how often artists end up working on similar projects at similar times. We start at different places and end up with a close resemblance.
Years ago I read an account in Anne Truitt's published journals that she always saw complete sculptures in her mind and decided if she wanted to make them. Once she said she decided that she didn't have the energy necessary to make one she saw and a few months later she saw the sculpture that had been made by someone else. I thought this was amazing and a little creepy but it does speak to the collective unconscious that allows ideas to simultaneously be worked on by various artists. It does not mean that we create the same image or sculpture exactly . It means that we approach a topic or ideal and develop a work that is uniquely our own .
I've always thought that is why one should never balk at sharing ideas and processes. Everyone of us will come up with our own projects and each one adds a perspective that would otherwise not be heard or seen.
And everyone chooses the art that matches his or her ideal of " something I must buy for it is so---- "
One of my favourite styles of painting was Pointillism. Georges Seurat is probably the best known ,and my favourite.
So this photo manipulation reminds me of this style, and was made just this past week. Kat's is of trees but had a similar viewpoint, that of looking up and at least hints at points of light. Her photo on her newsletter email but if you are interested check out her site, www.kateyestudio.com to see more fascinating processed photos.
This one of mine was a blurred clematis bloom in a bubbled vase and magically with photoshop it becomes starry-lit trees. What is it you see? See how easily it is to get hooked into making pictures new?